Don't be a hater !

January 20, 2021 00:27:31
Don't be a hater !
All About You with Kimmie Sue
Don't be a hater !

Jan 20 2021 | 00:27:31


Show Notes

Let's talk about how self sabotage or sabotage from others can affect your goals especially, but not limited to weight loss. 

Sabotaging your weight loss efforts involves more than just cheating on your diet. It happens when you set goals you can't meet and when you refuse to give yourself the praise you deserve. 

As if fighting your own tendencies to self sabotageisn't enough.... you also have to be aware of those closest to you who may try to sabotage your efforts as well. Here’s what doesn’t help: “Oh come on, treat yourself.” “Well, if you’re not going to have a dessert, then I won’t either.” “I don’t know what you’re talking about, you’re fine the way you are.” You’ve probably heard these phrases before. You may have uttered them yourself, with nothing but good intentions.

In this episode we will identify how we allow sabotage to effect our goals and what we can do to FIX IT!



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